Fruit Flies vs Gnats – An Overview

Fruit Flies vs Gnats – An Overview

Fruit flies and gnats are two different types of small flying insects that can be found in homes, but they have distinct differences in appearance, habitat, and behavior:


  • Fruit flies are about 1/8-inch long, brown in color ranging from tan to almost black, have rounded bodies similar to miniature house flies, large red eyes, and transparent wings that extend past their backside.

  • Gnats are very similar in size to fruit flies but have a dark gray-to-black color, dangling legs, long thin bodies resembling miniature mosquitoes, small heads and eyes, and translucent to gray wings.

Habitat and Diet

  • Fruit flies are attracted to overripe fruits, rotting vegetables, spilled sugary liquids, and other fermenting foods. They breed in these food sources and in drains where organic matter accumulates.

  • Fungus gnats breed in the moist soil of potted plants, feeding on fungi and organic matter. The larvae can damage plant roots and stems. Adults are attracted to moisture and may fly around people’s faces.

Life Cycle

  • Fruit flies have a very short life cycle, completing it in 7-10 days under optimal summer conditions. They lay eggs that hatch into legless larvae or maggots, which then pupate before emerging as winged adults.

  • Fungus gnats also have a quick life cycle, with females laying 100-150 eggs in the soil. The larvae feed on fungi and organic matter before pupating and emerging as adults.

Natural Remedies for Eliminating Gnats and Fruit Flies

  • Vinegar and Plastic Wrap Trap

Fill a jar halfway with apple cider vinegar. Cover the top with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band. Poke small holes in the plastic so gnats can smell the vinegar and fly in. Place the trap where you see a lot of gnats.

  • Overripe Fruit Trap

Place overripe fruit like banana, melon or apple in a bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band. Poke small holes in the plastic wrap. The fruit attracts gnats but they can’t escape the trap.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Trap

Mix apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, and dish soap in a bowl. Use 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon dish soap, and 1/2 cup warm water. The sweet scent attracts gnats, while the soap traps them in the liquid.

  • Vinegar Spray

Mix 1/5 cup water, 1/5 cup isopropyl alcohol, and 1 teaspoon dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray directly on gnats when seen, they will drop to the floor.

  • Other Tips

    • Regularly clean kitchen counters and take out trash to remove food sources.
    • Flush garbage disposals to remove stuck-on food.
    • Store ripe produce in the fridge.
    • Use a trash can with a sealed lid.

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